Fairly basic pieced blocks, plus quilting motifs …. interesting! Would be interesting in almost any two colours.
My favourite today is the second design!
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Fairly basic pieced blocks, plus quilting motifs …. interesting! Would be interesting in almost any two colours.
My favourite today is the second design!
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Love the first design … would make a great table cloth, except for the chance that someone would spill the cream on the cloth rather than pour it on the pudding!
Love the second one too, and as we have a special quilt for the bed already, perhaps I would find a spot to hang it on a wall.
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Stars in a dark sky … wonder why we more often put them on light to medium backgrounds!!
I enjoy designing complicated blocks, and then leaving out bits and pieces of the block design to make blocks to use with the original complicated design.
The stars in these should be yellow rather than white or blue, and maybe lighten up the background a bit, but not too much.
But then, we can be creative and use whatever colours we prefer, or simply use colours which match the room it is going to be used in.
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Very dark, but very interesting.
I wonder if these designs would be as interesting if they faded a lot.
Even darker, but I like it!
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I decided I should start mixing up more pieced blocks with applique blocks.
The first design in this project file is all pieced blocks with some applique on four of them. Doesn’t need a lot of applique to make an impression!
In the second design the blocks are either pieced or applique, and now there is some quilting lines.
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Lots of points to piece, but I love thee results … at least in the virtual version.
I love both! The first because there is space for the quilting to be shown off, the second because there is a great collection of linked stars.
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Love everything about the design above! Anything but an average quilt design.
Also love the second design, but the first is the best of the two by a short margin.
Wishing all of you who have a look at my virtual designs from time to time, here or via email, a wonderful new year, with lots of time to spend being creative.
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The first design today is interesting, and would look interesting on a tiled floor, not just as a quilt.
This style of quilt could be called Nearly Wholecloth Quilts, or Not Quite Wholecloth perhaps.
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Not a lot of variety in the blocks, but there are open spaces for quilting.
Three different blocks, and room for quilting.
Expect another post later … so plan a coffee break.
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Love it. Warm colouring, space for quilting, unusual applique and interesting pieces!
More of the same, but with some quilting lines added.
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I like the second design!
In both designs the seam lines of the centre block are used as a quilting motif for every other block.
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One block design, but many blocks depending on where the fabrics are placed.
Even the quilting is the same block but without the fabric.
I love these designs.
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I love the first design, especially those really faded fabrics which give an other wise boring background a little bit of depth. Sometimes a little contrast is just as important as strong contrast.
The second design would appeal to me much more if there was some low contrast in the background.
However, this is the quilt i might make if I was sick of machine sewing, and just wanted to get on with some quilting.
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One block, the one in the centre, which is used as the quilting motif, but some pieces are replaced by background fabric. or the seam lines can be totally ignored so that larger pieces of background can replace three smaller pieces.
The result for the maker is less cutting and stitching, but the result is much more interesting.
I should use some blocks with just background fabric with just the quilted outline! I might have a play!
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Small blocks, large quilt leaves lots of spaces to play with design, including some plain spaces for quilting to feature.
Lots of quilting, not a lot of tiny pieces.
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This project file is based on one block, but with the background fabric used for some of the pieces.
The seam lines between the coloured pieces are used as the quilting motif.
I prefer dark backgrounds for any star block, because I can only see stars at night when the sky is dark, though I do know that there are stars out there when the sun is shining.
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